
lack [læk]  [læk] 







lack 基本解释

及物动词缺乏,缺少; 需要的东西

名词缺乏,不足,没有; 缺少的东西

lack 同义词


动词want require need


lack 反义词


lack 相关例句


1. What do you lack ?

2. He lacks courage.

3. A coward lacks courage.


1. They lacked for nothing.


1. He can not buy it because of his lack of money.

2. Water is a lack of this region.

lack 网络解释


1. 缺少:lack n.缺少 记法:后背(back)压成了S形就缺少(lack)了脊梁骨(l). tack n.大头钉 T的形状像大头钉. 记法:后背(back)缺少了脊梁骨大头钉(tack)来代. wack n.怪人 W的形状像翅膀. 记法:后背(back)长翅膀(W)的人不是圣人就是怪人(wack).

2. 少:lack n.缺少 记法:后背(back)压成了S形就缺少(lack)了脊梁骨(l). tack n.大头钉 T的形状像大头钉. 记法:后背(back)缺少了脊梁骨大头钉(tack)来代. wack n.怪人 W的形状像翅膀. 记法:后背(back)长翅膀(W)的人不是圣人就是怪人(wack).

3. 缺失:弗洛伊德定义的男性性征(male sexuality)是以菲勒斯为标志的,而女性性征的标志是缺失(lack),即女性缺乏性征上的标志物,也就缺乏话语的权力. 西方女权主义学者认为,女性要从男性文化的统治下解放出来,就必须解构和颠覆男性话语,

lack 词典解释

1. 缺乏;不足;没有
    If there is a lack of something, there is not enough of it or it does not exist at all.

    e.g. Despite his lack of experience, he got the job...
    e.g. The charges were dropped for lack of evidence...

2. 缺少;欠缺;没有
    If you say that someone or something lacks a particular quality or that a particular quality is lacking in them, you mean that they do not have any or enough of it.

    e.g. It lacked the power of the Italian cars...
    e.g. He lacked the judgment and political acumen for the post of chairman...

3. see also: lacking

4. lack的近义词

4. 不乏;有的是
    If you say there is no lack of something, you are emphasizing that there is a great deal of it.

    e.g. He said there was no lack of things for them to talk about...
    e.g. President Clinton displayed no lack of vigor when he began to speak.

lack 单语例句

1. " The biggest hurdle is the lack of a sound credit information system, " Xu tells China Business Weekly.

2. lack在线翻译

2. While business groups welcomed the report, opposition politicians slammed it for a lack of substance.

3. Huang said China's Internet companies usually lack a solid profit pattern and they are too eager to expand their business scope.

4. But what they might lack in experience they make up for in passion, he said.

5. lack的反义词

5. But they make up their lack of concern with their buying habits and their willingness to pay higher premiums for trendy products.

6. lack是什么意思

6. " I felt frustrated by the lack of choice of clothing for men, " he told AFP.

7. Personal budgets will also be set up for younger disabled people frustrated by their lack of choice.

8. But if his career crashes and burns, they will be protected by contract provisions that cover lack of production and death.

9. Those children who are obedient by nature may develop a sense of ethical purity but they may lack the ability to think independently.

10. Stability has been hindered by the lack of government order, particularly in the southern part of the country.

lack 英英释义


1. lack的反义词

1. the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable

    e.g. there is a serious lack of insight into the problem
           water is the critical deficiency in desert regions
           for want of a nail the shoe was lost

    Synonym: deficiency want


1. be without

    e.g. This soup lacks salt
           There is something missing in my jewelry box!

    Synonym: miss