
laden [ˈleɪdn]  [ˈledn:] 







laden 基本解释

形容词满载的,负载的; 受压迫的


laden 网络解释


1. 满载的:Ladder 梯子,阶梯 | Laden 满载的 | Laden draught 满载吃水

2. 重柜:Actual weight:实际重量,货车,集装箱等运输工具装载后的总重量 | Laden:重柜 | remarks:备注

3. 装着货的:laden weight 载货时重量 | laden 装着货的 | lading permit 装船许可证

4. 装满的:Ladefoged 拉迪福吉德 | laden 装满的 | Ladies 女厕所

laden 词典解释

1. laden

1. 装满的;满载的
    If someone or something is laden with a lot of heavy things, they are holding or carrying them.

    e.g. I came home laden with cardboard boxes...
    e.g. The following summer the peach tree was laden with fruit...

2. laden的近义词

2. 充满…的;饱受…的
    If you describe a person or thing as laden with something, particularly something bad, you mean that they have a lot of it.

    e.g. We're so laden with guilt...
    e.g. Many of their heavy industries are laden with debt.

laden 单语例句

1. The question of how to present bin Laden's death to the world is a difficult balancing act for the White House.

2. Bin Laden's death is definitely a heavy psychological blow to them, but it has not caused them any actual damage.

3. laden的翻译

3. But Musharraf categorically denied that anyone in his country's security service is helping bin Laden in particular or al Qaeda in general.


4. Democrat John Kerry made the failure to track down bin Laden a central part of his criticism of Bush in Thursday's first presidential debate.

5. But he said hunting down bin Laden remains a high priority for the Central Intelligence Agency.

6. laden

6. The former president complained at the time the CIA and FBI refused to certify bin Laden was responsible for the USS Cole attack.

7. laden的近义词

7. The three rushed their van laden with stolen cables through a road checkpoint set up by the police.

8. US officials said the information that ultimately led to bin Laden's capture originally came from detainees held in secret CIA prison sites in Eastern Europe.

9. laden的反义词

9. The operation is launched to clear up the sand laden at the multipurpose dam.

10. laden的近义词

10. Bin Laden called Abbas'government " a traitor and collaborator government " with the United States.

laden 英英释义



1. fill or place a load on

    e.g. load a car
           load the truck with hay

    Synonym: load lade load up

2. remove with or as if with a ladle

    e.g. ladle the water out of the bowl

    Synonym: ladle lade


1. burdened psychologically or mentally

    e.g. laden with grief
           oppressed by a sense of failure

    Synonym: oppressed

2. filled with a great quantity

    e.g. a tray loaded with dishes
           table laden with food
           `ladened' is not current usage

    Synonym: loaded ladened