
lance [lɑ:ns]  [læns] 






lance 基本解释

名词长矛,标枪; 长矛骑兵; [医]柳叶刀; 矛状器具

及物动词用柳叶刀切开; 用矛刺穿; 投,掷


lance 情景对话



A:Good morning, ABC Computers, Sally speaking. Can I help you?

B:My name is Lance Stevens. May I speak to your Customer Service manager?
      我是Lance Stevens,请你们的客户服务部经理接电话,好吗?

A:I'm sorry, he's in a meeting. May I take a message?

B:When will he be available?

A:I don't know, sir. Would you like to leave a message?

B:No, that's OK. I'll call back.

lance 网络解释

1. 蓝斯:码头上,还没来得及逃走的人类,纷纷倒地,失去了生命;整座海滨城市,充满玻璃破碎的声音,无数的人类,七孔流血,倒地不起;远方的灯塔,蓝斯(Lance)反应迅速地伸出右臂,张开修长的手指,一个坚固的防护罩瞬间形成,挡开强大的声波.

2. 长枪:他们头戴四角高帽,身穿夹克,因所持兵器多半为长枪(Lance),所以也时常被统称为枪骑兵(Lancer),矛头挂有部队旗帜;法国也有使用这种枪骑兵,拿破仑战争后被拿破仑编制为皇帝近卫军,称为朗席耶,头戴菱形高帽.

3. 标枪:从形状判断多半是长枪,中世纪时欧洲的骑兵所用、叫作标枪(lance)的那种武器. 可是我只见过金属制的标枪;而家光的枪,表面上像爬虫类的皮肤一样粗糙不平,还有鼓动着的筋脉绵亘其上. 简直跟血管一样,光是看了就让叫人反感.

4. lance:line algorithm for navigation in combat environment; 战斗直线计算导航

lance 词典解释

1. 切开,割开(疖等)
    If a boil on someone's body is lanced, a small cut is made in it so that the liquid inside comes out.

    e.g. It is a painful experience having the boil lanced.

2. (旧时骑兵用的)长矛
    A lance is a long spear used in former times by soldiers on horseback.

    e.g. ...the clang of lances striking armour.

lance 单语例句

1. American Floyd Landis is virtually assured of succeeding compatriot Lance Armstrong as the Tour de France champion after taking possession of the yellow jersey.

2. lance是什么意思

2. Lance Corporal Matty Hull was killed by US friendly fire during the second week of the invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003.

3. lance的解释

3. Lance Corporal Jones received a full military ceremony with a gun carriage and a guard of honor.

4. The most recent death was on Dec 4, when Lance Corporal David Wilson was killed by gunfire.

5. lance的意思

5. Lance was previously engaged to singer Sheryl Crow and was also reported to have dated Ashley Olsen.


6. It was unclear if the search was related to the ongoing investigation into Michele Ferrari, a banned Italian physician who was once Lance Armstrong's training adviser.

7. Cyclist Lance Armstrong holds a news conference during the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting in New York last month.

8. CHICAGO - Lance Armstrong is retiring again - this time for good.

9. lance的意思

9. The play by Oscar winner Dustin Lance Black made its Broadway debut last year in similar starry fashion.

10. Jake Gyllenhaal is to play cycling legend Lance Armstrong in a movie about his life.

lance 英英释义


1. a surgical knife with a pointed double-edged blade
    used for punctures and small incisions

    Synonym: lancet

2. lance的翻译

2. a long pointed rod used as a tool or weapon

    Synonym: spear shaft

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. an implement with a shaft and barbed point used for catching fish

    Synonym: spear gig fizgig fishgig


1. open by piercing with a lancet

    e.g. lance a boil

2. lance的意思

2. pierce with a lance, as in a knights' fight

3. lance

3. move quickly, as if by cutting one's way

    e.g. Planes lanced towards the shore