
landslides ['lændslaɪdz]  ['lændslaɪdz] 


landslides 基本解释
滑坡;山崩( landslide的名词复数 );崩塌;一方选票占压倒性多数;
landslides 网络解释


1. 滑坡:山体滑坡(landslides)是指山体斜坡上某一部分岩土在重力(包括岩土本身重力及地下水的动静压力)作用下,沿着一定的软弱结构面(带)产生剪切位移而整体地向斜坡下方移动的作用和现象.

2. 山崩:飓风 Hurricanes | 山崩 Landslides | 人为灾难 Human-made disasters

3. <咆哮的地球泥石流>:Land of the Falling Lakes<<十六湖国家公园>> | Landslides<<咆哮的地球泥石流>> | Las Vegas: An Unconventional History<<拉斯维加斯>>

4. 山泥倾泻:空巢族:empty nester, a parent whose children have grown and left home | 山泥倾泻:landslides | 蠢蠢欲动:eager to have a try

landslides 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Governments in Central America and Mexico were still struggling Saturday to reach isolated areas devastated by flooding and landslides.

2. Meteorologists said Stan was driving separate storms across Central America and southern Mexico, provoking flooding and landslides.

3. Civil protection officer Jorge Mendez said 75 landslides had so far been reported.

4. While some busy themselves with cleaning up the mess left by the floods and landslides, others are examining the reasons why the disaster happened.

5. landslides的近义词

5. The rail system has been closed since it was damaged by massive flooding and landslides during the typhoon season.

6. landslides在线翻译

6. But it warned against potential landslides because some of the ground is completely dry and therefore not cohesive.

7. The vehicles are on standby to pick up candidates if the students come up against landslides on their way to the exam centers.

8. It also warned of the threat of continuous extreme weather and natural disasters such as floods and landslides during the current flood season.

9. The flood control headquarters warned about possible flooding and landslides in the Pearl River Delta region.

10. landslides的近义词

10. Landslides blocked the roads to the mountain city of Baguio in the heart of the Cordillera region.