

largesse 基本解释


largesse 网络解释


1. 慷慨:largess 赠送 | largesse 慷慨 | largest 大的

2. 厚礼:largesquarenet 罾 | largesse 厚礼 | largestreetsandsmalllanes 大街小巷

3. 慷慨援助,施舍:impasse 僵局,死路 | largesse 慷慨援助,施舍 | finesse 技巧、计谋、手段

4. 慷慨的赠与:慷慨的赏钱largesse | 慷慨的赠与largesse | 慷慨地benevolentlybounteouslybountifullyhandsomelyungrudgingly

largesse 词典解释
in AM, use 美国英语用 largess

1. 慷慨赠予(或捐助);善举
    Largesse is a generous gift of money or a generous act of kindness.

    e.g. ...grateful recipients of their largesse.
    e.g. ...his most recent act of largesse.

largesse 单语例句


1. Japan's checkbook diplomacy is aimed at increasing the dependency of Pacific Island nations on its largesse.

2. The Federal Reserve also chipped in with more largesse in its emergency lending program for investment banks.

3. Rising impoverishment alongside burgeoning largesse of the already rich, poses a major threat to global social harmony.

4. The amazing largesse of investors and patrons made some people suspect that massive amounts of State assets were simply being pocketed.

5. largesse

5. Yam consumption may be one explanation for Africa's largesse, some West Africans and Western experts believe.


6. This largesse includes billions of dollars more for modernizing nuclear arsenals decades into the future.

7. All that public largesse helped make up for a subdued consumer last quarter.

8. Several thousand Soviet soldiers and their families were stationed in Cuba, which once received $ 5 billion annually in Soviet largesse.

9. The next recipient of his largesse may be a museum in Beijing, he says.

10. Chan's estimated wealth of US $ 128 million hardly puts him in the billionaire league, but his largesse is typical in Hong Kong.

largesse 英英释义


1. liberality in bestowing gifts
    extremely liberal and generous of spirit

    Synonym: munificence largess magnanimity openhandedness

2. a gift or money given (as for service or out of benevolence)
    usually given ostentatiously

    Synonym: largess