last quarter

last quarter [lɑ:st ˈkwɔ:tə]  [læst ˈkwɔrtɚ] 

last quarter 基本解释
last quarter 网络解释

1. 下弦:lasing 激光酌 | last quarter 下弦 | late type stars 晚型星

2. 下弦月:waning 月亏 | Last Quarter 下弦月 | waning Crescent 蛾眉月(残月)

3. 下弦之月呼喚愛:美人草 The Foliage | 下弦之月呼喚愛 Last Quarter | 追擊8月15 Hidden Heroes

4. 上季度:Last Year -- 去年 | Last Quarter -- 上季度 | Check Expense -- 复核开支

last quarter 单语例句

1. Maersk's container business for the third quarter registered a loss of $ 293 million compared with last year's profit of $ 1 billion.

2. The business from the sector fell steeply in the last quarter of 2008, the company said.

3. But Ip said " there are signs of gradual revival in overall business activity " and he expected improvement in the employment situation in the last quarter.

4. The day before he had 17 points in the last quarter and sunk the winning shot at the buzzer against the Cleveland Cavaliers.

5. In the first quarter of this year, its gross domestic product rose by 9 percent over the same period last year.

6. China contributes a quarter of Canon's sales in Asia excluding Japan and North Korea with last year's figure being US $ 460 million.

7. Having reached the final four of last world championship in 2002, the Tall Blacks put their experience to good use in a nerve jangling final quarter.

8. The collapse is likely to force Japanese companies to keep firing workers and closing factories, worsening an economy that shrank the most in 34 years last quarter.

9. last quarter

9. Hong Kong tipped into recession - commonly defined as two consecutive quarters of negative quarterly growth - in the third quarter of last year.

10. last quarter

10. " Lenovo showed strong progress this last quarter but we still face numerous challenges, " CEO Yang Yuanqing told reporters in a conference call.

last quarter 英英释义


1. the last fourth of the Moon's period of revolution around the Earth