
latest [ˈleɪtɪst]  [ˈletɪst] 



latest 基本解释


名词最新事物; 最新消息

形容词最新的; 最近的; 最现代的

latest 相关词组

1. at the latest : 最迟, 至迟;

latest 相关例句


1. He was the latest person to come.


1. Have you heard the latest?

2. This case is the latest in a series of British spy scandals.

latest 网络解释

1. 最遲:来证规定海运的起运港为中国港口(Chinese ports)或当地的港口,甚至规定亚洲口岸(Asian ports)都可以,但不能是一个内陆城市如乌鲁木齐、拉萨或北京等. 信用证的装运期一般应规定为最迟(Latest)某月某日. 7.品质证(Certificate of Quality)和检验证(Inspection Certificate)

2. 最新的:advertisement 广告 | latest 最新的 | full story 全文

3. 最近的:latter 后者 | latest 最近的 | lately adv 最近

latest 词典解释

1. (late的最高级)
    Latest is the superlative of late.

2. latest什么意思

2. 最近的;最新的
    You use latest to describe something that is the most recent thing of its kind.

    e.g. ...her latest book...
    e.g. Latest reports say another five people have been killed...

3. 最新式的;最现代的
    You can use latest to describe something that is very new and modern and is better than older things of a similar kind.

    e.g. Crooks are using the latest laser photocopiers to produce millions of fake banknotes...
    e.g. I got to drive the latest model...

4. see also: late

5. 最晚;至迟
    You use at the latest in order to indicate that something must happen at or before a particular time and not after that time.

    e.g. She should be back by ten o'clock at the latest.

latest 单语例句

1. latest的翻译

1. That gloomy outlook came from leading forecasters in the latest survey by the National Association for Business Economics to be released Monday.

2. David Blaine's latest stunt is spending a week living in an acrylic sphere filled with water.

3. The figures are among the latest indicators of business recovery, the park's administration said yesterday.

4. Its total handset business has been " surprisingly strong " in the latest fiscal quarter.

5. Famous Italian brands like Freddy will bring their latest designs and fans can also buy the Italian national team costume as worn by Olympic competitors.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Analysts said the latest circular is timely and will boost a sound development of the online group buying industry.

7. latest在线翻译

7. Like lithium, some of the latest crop of early candidate drugs revealed their potential simply by chance.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Latest statistics from the SAR's Health Bureau showed that there was no suspected or confirmed case reported in Macao by far.

9. Stop by The Villa in the heart of the French Concession for the latest from some top US designers and some unique accessories.

10. They are the latest victims of the online media striving to increase website traffic by hook or by crook.

latest 英英释义



1. latest的近义词

1. the most recent news or development

    e.g. have you heard the latest?


1. up to the immediate present
    most recent or most up-to-date

    e.g. the news is up-to-the-minute
           the very latest scientific discoveries

    Synonym: up-to-the-minute

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. in the current fashion or style

    Synonym: a la mode(p) in style(p) in vogue(p) modish