launching pad

launching pad[ˈlɔ:ntʃɪŋ pæd] 


第三人称复数:launching pads

launching pad 基本解释
launching pad 网络解释

1. 发射台:你就站在事业的发射台(launching pad)上了. 但是现在你得刹住车(put on the brakes). 如果你去拿一张硕士学位,...

2. 火箭发射场:launcher 发射者 | launching pad 火箭发射场 | launder 流水槽

3. 发射平台:下水支船架 launching cradle | 发射平台 launching pad | 鱼雷发射管 launching tube

4. 发射台;起飞坪;出发点:upfront adj. 预付的;在前面的adv. 在前面;提前支付(工资) | launching pad 发射台;起飞坪;出发点 | subjugation . 征服;镇压;克制

launching pad 单语例句

1. Kandahar Air Field is the launching pad for thousands of additional US forces pouring into the country for a summer surge against the Taliban.

2. In each case America has the internal market as initial launching pad to jump start ahead of the world.

3. launching pad的翻译

3. The band is the stuff of legends in Sweden, the launching pad from which they influenced countless musicians worldwide.

4. India has also developed a first of its kind universal launching pad at a cost of 4 billion rupees.

5. Contests are still a major launching pad for young models, he says.

6. Romney has invested heavily in the state, hoping to use a win here as a launching pad to the nomination.

7. launching pad是什么意思

7. And he's very thankful for that moment on " American Idol, " an undeniably successful launching pad.

launching pad 英英释义


1. launching pad的意思

1. a platform from which rockets or space craft are launched

    Synonym: launchpad launch pad launch area pad