
laurels ['lɒrəlz]  ['lɒrəlz] 


laurels 基本解释


名词荣誉,胜利,名声; 月桂树( laurel的名词复数 ); (表示荣誉的)桂冠,殊荣

laurels 网络解释

1. 荣誉:laurels 荣誉 | lava 熔岩 | lave 洗浴,慢慢冲刷

laurels 单语例句

1. It is commendable that Beijing has not rested on its laurels after hosting the 2008 Olympics.

2. Despite the laurels and admiration Hepburn received as her career progressed, she wasn't always known for the quality of her acting.

3. A tour of Guilin will amaze you with the beautiful mountains, rivers and fragrant laurels.

4. She is winning laurels for the country and we have not even congratulated her in person.

5. Have we always won laurels for our performance in school or college?

6. laurels的近义词

6. It is reported that the laurels she has won in various local, provincial and national competitions have filled up several drawers in her room at home.

7. Harbour Grand Hong Kong is not just resting on its laurels and focusing on its own market.

8. But that does not mean the Party can rest on its laurels.

9. The statement spoke volumes for the youngster's determination and focus, further evidence that he has no intention of resting on his already considerable laurels.

10. But the city is not resting on its laurels and has embarked on an ambitious plan to boost its tourism industry.

laurels 英英释义


1. laurels

1. a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction

    e.g. an award for bravery

    Synonym: award accolade honor honour

2. the state of being honored

    Synonym: honor honour