leaf through

leaf through [li:f θru:]  [lif θru] 

leaf through 基本解释

翻看; 迅速翻阅

leaf through 网络解释

1. 迅速翻阅:in high gear 高速, 高档 | leaf through 迅速翻阅 | look over (快速)检查; 浏览

2. 草草浏览,匆匆翻阅:17.kill vt.消磨(时间) | 18.leaf through 草草浏览,匆匆翻阅 | 19.in a minute 立刻,马上

3. 大致看看;迅速翻过:135. Lose oneself 热衷于 | 136. Leaf through 大致看看;迅速翻过 | 137. Feel like a new man 感到有如新生一般

4. 草草浏览:上等烟叶 choice tobacco leaf | 草草浏览 leaf through | 学某人的样 take a leaf from sb's book/notebook

leaf through 词典解释
leaf through

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1. 翻阅;浏览
    If you leaf through something such as a book or magazine, you turn the pages without reading or looking at them very carefully.

    e.g. Most patients derive enjoyment from leafing through old picture albums.

leaf through 单语例句

1. Leaf through this small book and you'll be surprised at how much interesting information it contains.