ledger entry

ledger entry

ledger entry 双语例句


1. For example, the Oracle E*Business suite can define a service for each responsibility, such as general ledger, accounts receivable, order entry, and so on.
    例如,在 Oracle E*Business 套件中可以按功能划分服务,例如总帐功能,应收帐款功能,订单功能等。

ledger entry的意思

2. Rule out that entry in the ledger, the transaction was cancelled.

3. Of all the pages in the human ledger, only our tortured entry has warehoused children and asked nothing of them in service to the general good.

4. Ledger management system data entry measuring instruments, the query.

5. The main contents of the course, the concept of accounting, object, function, method and accounting tasks, Accounting and account, Double entry bookkeeping method and principle, lending account comparison relationship and accounting entries, Accounting recognition and measurement, assets, and revenues, expenses, costs, profit, liabilities, and owner's equity of the recognition and measurement, The significance and function of accounting vouchers, original vouchers and accounting vouchers, account vouchers transfer and storage, Accounting Settings and registration, the journal, ledger books, subsidiary ledger, the trial and error correction accounted for, His thin checkout and reconciliation, The significance of a property inventory, types and inventory system, method and result of processing property inventory, Accounting statement compiling, the balance sheet and the statement of the structure, content and methods of accounting statements, the disclosure of the accounting statements and notes, submit for examination and approval; and Accounting cycle, the form of business accounting vouchers and accounting forms, collect summary subjects form of business accounting vouchers, The accounting standard system, the accounting law, accounting standards, accounting system, the accounting offices and accounting personnel, accounting computerization, etc.

6. A stock split does not change the balance of any ledger account; consequently, the transaction may be recorded merely by a memorandum entry in the general journal.


7. In a journal entry, the debits and credits for a given transaction are recorded together, but when the transaction is recorded in the ledger, the debits and credits are entered in different accounts.

ledger entry什么意思

8. At the same time this entry is made, the completed job's cost sheet is removed from the Job Cost Ledger, marked " completed " and filed.

ledger entry的反义词

9. In a journal entry, the debits and credits for given transaction are recorded together, but when the transaction is recorded in the ledger, the debits and credits are entered in different accounts.