
leeching ['li:tʃɪŋ]  ['li:tʃɪŋ] 







leeching 基本解释



leeching 网络解释


1. 掛機吸經驗值,什麽都不幹的人:LD Link Dead.斷線了 | Leeching 掛機吸經驗值,什麽都不幹的人. | BB - BOOTY BAY. 藏寶灣 海濱小城.

2. 水蛭吸血法:leechee 荔枝 | leeching 水蛭吸血法 | leedune 背风沙丘

3. 挂机吸经验值,啥子都不干的人:LD Link Dead.断线了 | Leeching 挂机吸经验值,啥子都不干的人. | Race 人种

leeching 双语例句

1. I've heard, but as I don't have it installed right now can't check it, that you can set BT++ to automatically not seed when you're finished leeching a torrent.


2. Its especially designed for leeching pictures but can be used for any files.


3. This is not a stimulative leeching of talent; it is a haemorrhage.

4. It's important to distinguish between your overall ratio and the individual ratio on each torrent you may be seeding or leeching.


5. You are a cipher, forming bonds, leeching the life of others, siphoning their will and dominating them.


6. Sap/Knockout - Some sort of life leeching attack.

7. This altered form of Tiberium does not seem to have any of the beneficial side effects of its land-based counterparts (i. e. the leeching of useful elements).

8. Maybe it's just me, but I have never thought that leeching or having leechers follow me around all day doing nothing but picking up the loot from my kills was a whole lot of fun.

9. So, right there you can see there are ways to increase orb drops, and that's outside of other leeching type skills, regen skills, etc.

10. If a torrent you are currently leeching/seeding is not listed on your profile, just wait or force a manual update.

11. Now, though, leeching is spreading through the class system: from the royals to the Middletons and downwards.

12. Furthermore, the collective energy flow of the corporation allows for the leeching of chi by other humanoid races in other star systems.

13. After Western Han dynasty, the Confucian school acquired an exclusive honorable status, the orthodox thought of individual-society relationship was taking integrative consciousness seriously, ignoring individual sense, individual leeching on to society.

14. The masters concluded that, through her actions at Malachor V, she has become a wound in the force, carrying the deaths of all who died in the battle within her, and that by feeding on death and leeching life energy of her companions was how she re-gained her connection to the force.

leeching 单语例句

1. Wall Street firms have also been leeching staffers to buyout firms in the region.