
leftist [ˈleftɪst]  ['leftɪst] 


leftist 基本解释

名词左派的人; 急进派; 左撇子

形容词左派的; 激进的; 左撇子的

leftist 相关例句


1. The country is ruled by a leftist government.


1. A band of leftists took over the consulate.

leftist 网络解释


1. 左翼的人:leftish 左派的 | leftism 左翼主义 | leftist 左翼的人

2. 左派分子:left wing左翼 | leftist左派分子 | liberalism自由主义

3. 左派的:10: Spectrum: 光谱. 比喻系列 | 11: Leftist: 左派的 | 12: Critique: 批评

4. 急进派的:leftist 急进派 | leftist 急进派的 | leftists 左倾份子

leftist 词典解释

1. (社会主义者、共产主义者等)左派成员,左派人士
    Socialists and Communists are sometimes referred to as leftists.

    e.g. Two of the men were leftists and two were centrists.
    e.g. ...Chilean leftists.

2. 左派的;社会主义思想的;共产主义思想的
    If you describe someone, their ideals, or their activities as leftist, you mean that they support the ideas of socialism or communism.

    e.g. ...an alliance of seven leftist parties...
    e.g. They make no secret of their leftist sympathies.

leftist 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Dozens of leftist sympathizers from neighboring countries joined the protests, which many saw as symbolic of a wider struggle against a capitalist establishment.

2. Fuentes'travels helped shape his leftist political views and fueled his passion for political activism.

3. leftist的解释

3. She presided over a period of increasing political violence by leftist guerrilla groups and rightist death squads while the economy slid into chaos.

4. Fujimori still has a loyal if limited following in Peru, where he is credited with reining in economic chaos and leftist insurgencies.

5. Colombian and US officials say the agreement is necessary to more effectively help Colombia's security forces fight drug traffickers and leftist rebels.

6. leftist在线翻译

6. Former metalworker and veteran leftist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva won Brazil's presidential runoff vote on Sunday after his rival Jose Serra conceded defeat.

7. Venezuelans are deeply divided by the leftist president's program to build a socialist society in the South American country of 28 million people.

8. leftist的解释

8. Thousands from Lebanese and Palestinian leftist parties joined the protest against the US and Israel.

9. leftist的近义词

9. Sharon's huge entourage can also expect street protests by leftist and Muslim groups who note India has been a longtime supporter of the Palestinian struggle.

10. While the measure was applauded by some, leftist politicians said Florence was going after the wrong people.

leftist 英英释义


1. a person who belongs to the political left

    Synonym: collectivist left-winger


1. leftist的解释

1. believing in or supporting tenets of the political left

    Synonym: left-of-center left-wing