
leftover [ˈleftəʊvə(r)]  [ˈleftoʊvə(r)] 


leftover 基本解释


形容词剩余的; 吃剩的; 未用完的

名词剩余物; 残羹剩菜

leftover 网络解释

1. 残余物,吃剩的饭菜:14. green salad 蔬菜色拉 | 15. leftover 残余物,吃剩的饭菜 | 16. once in a while 有时

2. 屑物:left-reverse-slip fault 左旋逆滑断层 | leftover 屑物 | leftward 向左面;左侧的

3. 剩货:leftmost 最左边的 | leftover 剩货 | leftward 左方的

4. 剩余的,残留的:hard-working 勤劳的 | leftover 剩余的,残留的 | low-lying 地势低的

leftover 词典解释

1. 残羹剩饭;剩菜;吃剩的食物
    You can refer to food that has not been eaten after a meal as leftovers .

    e.g. Refrigerate any leftovers...
    e.g. The only food I ever got was the family's leftovers.

2. 剩余的;用剩的;吃剩的
    You use leftover to describe an amount of something that remains after the rest of it has been used or eaten.

    e.g. ...leftover pieces of wallpaper...
    e.g. Leftover chicken makes a wonderful salad.

3. 残存物;遗留物
    If you say that something is a leftover from a past period of time, you mean that it has its origin there and still exists even though most other things connected to that time have disappeared.

    e.g. ...a leftover from the time our planet was first formed...
    e.g. He dragged a foot when he walked, a leftover from polio.

leftover 单语例句

1. leftover的翻译

1. The county health bureau said the investigation showed the students may have come down with food poisoning after they ate unsanitary leftover.

2. The flats comprise the remaining stock of surplus HOS flats and those leftover from a special sale exercise which will be completed next month.

3. leftover的反义词

3. They advise restaurants to provide smaller portions and encourage customers to use doggy boxes to take leftover food home.

4. The Sixers still appeared to have plenty of energy leftover from the victory against former disgruntled teammate Allen Iverson.

5. Management of the building said the chemical was used as disinfectant during the SARS epidemic in 2003 and the leftover had not been disposed of.

6. She started drawing on paper in the spring of 2010, as her husband picked up leftover paper from a nearby printing plant.

7. Leftover Woman moves audiences and makes one think about what on earth is going wrong with love in today's modern society.

8. His first taste of the food was by finger licking the leftover sauce on the plates.

9. Keepers said the leftover bees will leave soon because they no longer have a hive there.

10. Kitchen waste - those that can be composted into organic fertilizers including leftover and other food waste.

leftover 英英释义



1. a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists

    Synonym: remnant


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1. not used up

    e.g. leftover meatloaf
           she had a little money left over so she went to a movie
           some odd dollars left
           saved the remaining sandwiches for supper
           unexpended provisions

    Synonym: left over(p) left(p) odd remaining unexpended