
lemongrass ['leməŋgrɑ:s]  [ˈlɛmənˌɡræs] 

lemongrass 基本解释
lemongrass 网络解释


1. 柠檬香茅:参考答案:柠檬香茅(lemongrass)为禾本科(gramineae)香茅属(cymdopogon)之多年草本,原产于南印度、斯里兰卡. 经济栽培区为印度、印尼、斯里兰卡、大陆、非洲乌干达、北美之佛罗里达州及加利福尼亚洲、巴拉圭、中美洲、巴西及英国,植株发育可达2公尺高,

2. 香茅:任职日本京都大学和泰国曼谷大学的这些研究人员说,烹制这种酸辣汤的三种主要材料沙姜(galanga)、香茅(lemongrass)和泰国柠檬(kaffirlimes),具有抑制人体消化道肿瘤的作用.

3. 柠檬草/香茅:此外,泰餐在料理中还常使用一些健康的元素,如香料、辣椒(Chillipeppers)、柠檬草,香茅(Lemongrass)、罗勒(Basil)、姜科植物(Galangal)以及新鲜的生姜根部等,让泰式料理更具特色与风味.

lemongrass 单语例句

1. The cuisine of Thailand with its chili, lemongrass and scented gingers will also match the strong nose of the Gewurztraminer.

2. lemongrass的近义词

2. The giant shrimp in citrus jar is visually exciting but do savor the lemongrass and orange fragrance just when the lid is opened.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. The crust of the crab cake is not just crisp, but is infused with Thai spices and a deep lemongrass fragrance.

4. lemongrass的意思

4. The natural ingredients such as eucalyptus and lemongrass have an energizing effect on the spring skin.

5. lemongrass的翻译

5. Lemongrass revitalizes the body and mind and the fresh lemongrass scent is inhaled during the scrub to leave you with a feeling of inner peace.

6. Together we will mix three rounds of cocktails, with nettle and lemongrass martinis and cosmopolitans coming first.

7. The next part - lemongrass body scrub - is created to help renew skin cells as it peels away dead skin.

8. Next, we climbed onto the bed to begin the Lemongrass Body Scrub.

9. Everybody is offered a bowl of the lemongrass base soup, which really helps to whet the appetite.

10. lemongrass是什么意思

10. The Asian spiced crab risotto was paired with avocado ice cream and billowing layers of lemongrass foam.

lemongrass 英英释义



1. a tropical grass native to India and Sri Lanka

    Synonym: lemon grass

2. an aromatic oil that smells like lemon and is widely used in Asian cooking and in perfumes and medicines

    Synonym: lemon grass lemongrass oil