名词活版; 凸版印刷机,拷贝机
1. 活版印刷:1、活版印刷(Letterpress)以突出的外貌举办转印,又叫凸版法(Relief),年夜量活版式印刷都是使用轮转印刷机的,包孕报纸杂志以及广告传单的印刷,醋鞴培印刷对纸张的滑腻度、托墨性、强度有较高的要求,不许可有纸张的断裂、起皱或导致印刷机停机的其他题目产生,
2. 活版印机:书写电话机 letter-phone | 活版印机 letterpress | 凸版印刷机 letterpress machine
3. 凸版印刷机:letterman 优秀运动员 | letterpress 凸版印刷机 | letters of administration 遗产管理证书
4. 书信复印器:letterofthealphabetletters 字母 | letterpress 书信复印器 | letterpress 印刷字句
1. The computerized laser system for Chinese character typesetting has transformed China's printing from letterpress to electronic publishing.
2. The computerized laser photocomposition system for Chinese character typesetting has transformed China's printing from letterpress printing to electronic publishing.
3. The achievement laid the foundations for technological reform that transformed China's traditional letterpress printing technique into laser photocomposition.