1. 白血病:国家重点基础研究计划首席科学家陈国强在国际上首次报道低氧模拟化合物和低氧环境能够体外诱导白血病细胞分化,并提出低氧诱导因子-1蛋白可能成为筛选诱导分化治疗白血病药物的潜在靶标. 权威刊物美国<<白血病>>(LEUKEMIA)杂志审稿人表示,这一工作可能成为推动白血病治疗学研究的又一重要原创发现.
2. 血癌:魁北克验尸官报告,一名长途空中旅客死於所谓经济舱综合症(Economy-Class Syndrome),成为在加国证实的首位因患此.卑诗省的科学家们发现了一种新技术,可以利用干细胞 (Stem Cell) 的爆炸,对血癌 (leukemia) 等疾病进行治疗.
3. 白血症:一白血症(leukemia)患者不复发已有两年多,他归功於每日喝甜菜汁和服用脱水肝. 解剖发现90%库西奥科病(Kwashiorkor)死亡者有癌症. (库西奥科病为热带婴幼儿营养缺乏症,原因为低蛋白高糖饮食,临床检查属三级营养不良). 此病多见於中美和南非,
4. (白血球過多症):对染色体损害的问题 有一研究指出LSD会使染色体发生变态,此种染色体的损害又可变为长期潜伏性的损伤,而导发白血球过多症(Leukemia)或生产畸形婴儿(Defective children)对任何一种药物,在没彻底研究清楚其效力,产生的后果以及副作用之前,
1. The boy has acute leukemia, which has wiped out the family.
2. Lyle was playing off a 2 handicap when he was diagnosed at age 17 with acute myeloid leukemia.
3. Chen is known for his achievements in clinical and molecular studies for the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia.
4. His research has greatly improved the survival chances of people with acute promyelocytic leukemia.
5. leukemia
5. There was a serious side to Sunday's " Hustle Aid " event with organisers to donate a large chunk of the ticket revenue to leukemia research.
6. Yang said China has also carried out a pilot project in 14 provinces that provides financial assistance for children with congenital heart disease and leukemia.
7. Yang said that China has also expanded a pilot project that provides financial assistance to children with congenital heart disease and leukemia.
8. The program started operating in June 2010, covering diseases including childhood leukemia and congenital heart disease.
9. The current pilot project covers children with congenital heart disease and leukemia.
10. The doctor who wrongly injected intravenous drugs into the spine of a leukemia patient apologized to the patient's parents at a Coroner's Court Wednesday.
1. malignant neoplasm of blood-forming tissues
characterized by abnormal proliferation of leukocytes
one of the four major types of cancer
Synonym: leukaemia leucaemia cancer of the blood