
leveling ['levəlɪŋ]  ['levəlɪŋ] 

leveling 基本解释

名词水准测量; 矫平

leveling 网络解释

1. 水准测量:惠普表示EVA不会受到碎片的影响,因为EVA将数据条带化,处理的是分布在数个磁盘上的8MB分配块. EVA一直在执行一个称为水准测量(leveling)的进程,确保系统中所有磁盘都向分配好的池以及整体的阵列性能做出自己合理的贡献.

2. 平衡:因此,尽管生产部门不喜欢换型,但是换型是必须的,因为不喜欢,所以在做计划时,我们要尽可能的平衡换型频率和满足客户交货期之间的矛盾. 这是计划平衡(leveling)的意义所在.

3. 整平:对中 (centering) 小于± 3mm整平 (leveling) 小于1格1、垂球 (plumb bob) 法2、光学对中器( optical plummet )法60 年代以来,随着近代光学、电子学的发展,使角度测量向自动化记录方向改进有了技术基础,从而出现了电子经纬仪等自动化测角仪器.

4. 矫正:1)采用自动矫正(Leveling)功能及预印(Pre-Printing)功能;2)添加自动清洁(Cleaning)功能及选择清洁(Cleaning)功能;3)自动校准(Calibration)功能(适应印压控制时)以各种自动校准(Calibration)功能使印刷品质更加稳定,

leveling 单语例句

1. Zhou said the foreign members would bring advanced trading and managerial experience and contribute to leveling off the price gap between domestic and overseas markets.

2. The dismissal came after members of Yushchenko's team began publicly leveling accusations of corruption against one another.

3. New deaths and cases seemed to be leveling off after an aggressive public health campaign launched when the epidemic was declared on April 23.

4. But Rust sees " some sort of leveling in consumer confidence later this year ", which is expected to take a beating from growing concerns over inflation.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. China has posted price increases for some industrial goods as having been leveling off although they continue unabated for most items.

6. The FOMC cited " the elevated state " of some measures of inflation expectations and dropped an April forecast of a " leveling out " in commodity prices.

7. Palestinians said they saw Israeli bulldozers leveling farmland and tanks moving across the border near the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis.

8. But the corporation denied leveling such a weighty charge and is standing by its report and its anonymous source.

9. leveling的翻译

9. A rainstorm hit the city's Chongming Island last Saturday, leveling nine houses.

10. leveling

10. The Steelers safety suggested Wednesday that the NFL is leveling fines for hits more for its own interest than that of the players.

leveling 英英释义


1. the act of making equal or uniform

    Synonym: equalization equalisation

2. complete destruction of a building

    Synonym: razing tearing down demolishing

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. changing the ground level to a smooth horizontal or gently sloping surface

    Synonym: grading