

levis 基本解释



levis 网络解释


1. 牛仔裤:品牌牛仔裤(LEVIS) 发布单位:杨军文(个体经营)...[摘要]本公司经营品牌牛仔裤(LEVIS),质量保证,欢迎咨询洽谈. 品牌牛仔裤(LEVIS) 发布单位:杨军文(个体经营)...

2. (美国)--李维斯:Tag: 陈冠希 牛仔裤 闪电 金线 示范 505 s-fenom Levi 商品名称: Levi's-fenom 505 陈冠希示范 金线、金闪电牛仔裤 店铺掌柜: o咖啡王子o 所在地: 广东广州 商品价格: 88.00 品牌故事: 美国李维斯(Levis) 李维斯(Levis) 牛

3. 牛仔:在任何大城市,你都能看到可口可乐,万宝路,飞利浦,李维牛仔(Levis) .城市与城市之 间越来趋同一致.但是,每个国家仍然拥有各自独特的商业形象.人们通常认为来自法国的 葡萄酒,就必定上乘一流;手表该用瑞士的;精致的电子商品当然来自日本;

levis 单语例句

1. levis

1. Levis decided to make it easier to shop for jeans, which can involve trying on dozens of pairs to find just one that fits.

2. levis

2. Akzo Nobel opened its first Chinese decorative coating plant for Levis in June.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. These days they have become more proactive, looking to strategic alliances with consumer brands like Levis or banks to promote the brand.

4. The rear pockets of the first Levis the Company produced were lined with cotton, and the orange stitching prevented the padding from buckling.

levis 英英释义


1. a popular brand of jeans

    Synonym: Levi's