
libellous [ˈlaɪbələs]  [ˈlaɪbələs] 

libellous 基本解释



libellous 网络解释

1. 损害名誉的:libeller 诽谤者 | libellous 损害名誉的 | libelous 损害名誉的

2. 诽谤的:libellous 诽谤的 | liberality 慷慨,心胸开阔 | liberated 无拘束的,放纵的

3. 损害名誉的; 用话中伤他人的 (形):libellee 被诽谤者 (名) | libeller 诽谤者 (名) | libellous 损害名誉的; 用话中伤他人的 (形)

libellous 词典解释
in AM, use 美国英语用 libelous

1. libellous

1. (书报、杂志的言论)诽谤(性)的
    If a statement in a book, newspaper, or magazine is libellous, it wrongly accuses someone of something, and is therefore against the law.

    e.g. He claimed the articles were libellous and damaging to the interests of the team.

libellous 英英释义


1. (used of statements) harmful and often untrue
    tending to discredit or malign

    Synonym: calumniatory calumnious defamatory denigrative denigrating denigratory libelous slanderous