
liberation [ˌlɪbə'reɪʃn]  [ˌlɪbəˈreʃən] 


liberation 基本解释


名词解放; 释放,逸出

liberation 相关例句



1. As the troops withdrew, the entire city celebrated the liberation.

liberation 网络解释


1. 自由:於此篇简洁明快的文章中,作者首先点出尼采对席勒(Schiller)审美教指出启蒙运动最可贵之处便在於自由(liberation)精神,而尼采的思考方式提供纾困良方(antidote)的意义上,尼采乃一位不折不扣的教育家.

2. 解脱:这经济学者表示:「物质主义者主要关切的是物品(goods),而佛教徒关心的则是解脱(liberation),解脱的阻碍不是财富的本身,而是对财富的执著;不是因为享受美好事物,而是在於对美好事物无休止的渴望.

liberation 单语例句

1. Congress in 1998 passed the Iraqi Liberation Act, to support the ouster of Saddam Hussein and a transition to democracy in Iraq.

2. An Israeli police spokesman said the attackers were from a fringe Islamic group called the Liberation Party.

3. liberation的解释

3. Naked men and women have posed in a Sydney park to launch Animal Liberation's winter campaign against fur.

4. The first case was reported by the People's Liberation Army No 1 Hospital in Gansu's provincial capital of Lanzhou on June 28.

5. liberation的翻译

5. The People's Liberation Army was ordered to support the left, which played an active role in stabilizing the situation at that time.

6. The successful exercise on the Liaoning was conducted within two months of the carrier's delivery to the People's Liberation Army navy on Sept 25.

7. liberation的反义词

7. The successful exercise on the Liaoning was conducted within two months of the carrier's delivery to the People's Liberation Army Navy on September 25.

8. The exhibition would carry forward the traditions of the Liberation Army and Chinese culture.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. Article 23 Party organizations in the Chinese People's Liberation Army carry on their work in accordance with the instructions of the Central Committee.

10. We cherish dearly the memory of all the pioneers who fought for the independence and liberation of the Chinese nation in modern times.

liberation 英英释义


1. the act of liberating someone or something

    Synonym: release freeing

2. the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)

    Synonym: dismissal dismission discharge firing release sack sacking

3. the attempt to achieve equal rights or status

    e.g. she worked for women's liberation