1. 图书馆:4.图书馆(Libraries)功能使用户能够对类似内容进行分组;而家庭组(Homegroups)则使得用户共享图书馆变得更加容易Windows网络是一个很讨厌的东西,而Windows 7则通过图书馆(Libraries)和家庭组(Homegroups)两大新功能对它进行了改进.
2. (函数库):自1990年代发起这个计划以来,GNU 开始大量的产生或收集各种系统所必备的元件,像是--函数库(libraries)、编译器(compilers)、调试工具(debuggers)、文本编辑器(text editors)、网页服务器(web server),
3. 資料庫:7、资料库(Libraries)管理功能 利用Windows 7中的资料库管理功能,用户可将存放在机器不同位置的内容集中到一起--如用户可在同一时间浏览保存在不同位置的图片.
1. Both professors and students disturbed by ringing phones and conversations in classes and libraries are in favour of the new regulations.
2. Public libraries in Shanghai have taken the initiative to open free of charge to the city's readers.
3. This could include fund support, training school teachers and principals and setting up computer rooms and libraries.
4. Faced with the emergence of these digital libraries, our mindsets are getting constrained like those of the people of yore.
5. libraries的解释
5. The ministry also allocated funds to open cultural facilities to the public for free, improve service at cultural institutions like libraries and museums and construct digital libraries.
6. Longhua County has focused on cultural construction and has built new museums and libraries.
7. Now the corpus of Dongba literary paper scrolls are scattered among libraries and research institutes around the world.
8. The International Children's Digital Library is also an attempt to use technology to strengthen libraries around the world.
9. The aim was to give local citizens an insight into libraries in the digital era and encourage more people to visit the district library.
10. Public libraries or venues catering to migrant workers'reading needs do exist in some places, but only a few workers can access them.