1. 救生衣:指南针(Compass),救生衣(Life vest),头盔(Helmet),安全带(Harness),红色的救生用哨子(Whistle)按顺序整齐地挂在仓库一角的木架上,仓库深处的木柜上放有各类装备:我们依次检查仓库内的物品,如果发现破损和无法使用的器具就需要向索比里恩汇报,
2. 救生背心:九五攻关 State Key Task 95 | 救生背心 life vest | 救援人员 rescue workers
1. He feared for his life immediately after being seized on March 12, as well as when he was filmed wearing an explosive vest.
1. life preserver consisting of a sleeveless jacket of buoyant or inflatable design
Synonym: life jacket cork jacket