lift force

lift force [lift fɔ:s]  [lɪft fɔrs] 

lift force 基本解释


lift force 网络解释

1. 升力:首先我们应该先了解下什么是失速,失速是如何产生的 我们都知道失速最早是在飞机上出现的,那么我们现在先从航天学方面解释,在空气动力学中,失速是指翼型气动攻角(Angle of attack) 增加到一定程度(达到临界值)时,翼型所产生的升力(lift force)突然减小的一种状态

2. 悬浮力:排斥力 repulsion force | 悬浮力 lift force | 推力 thrusting force; propulsion force

3. 升力(代号):15.isoplanar 等平面(的)(代号) | 16.lift force 升力(代号) | 17.lighter-than-air aircraft 轻于空气的航空器(代号)

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lift force 单语例句

1. lift force的意思

1. The pressures of hard times can be the force to lift a writer's imagination to new heights.

2. The Marines struck a deal there to lift the siege and hand over security to an Iraqi force commanded by former officers from Saddam's army.

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3. This means Washington will lift its economic sanctions against Pyongyang that have been in force since 1950.

4. Is it mainly a force for good, enabling poor nations to lift themselves up from poverty by taking part in global markets?