
lifting [lɪftɪŋ]  ['lɪftɪŋ] 






lifting 基本解释

名词起重; 举起; 上升; 提高

动词举起,抬起( lift的现在分词 ); 提高; 运送; 解除(封锁、包围等)

lifting 网络解释

1. 咬底:(14)咬底(Lifting)在于漆膜上施涂其同种或不同种涂料时,在涂层施涂或干燥期间使其下部的干漆膜发生软化、隆起或从底材上脱离的现象(通常的外观如起皱).

2. 举起,提[上]升,起重:lateral rod (悬架)横向[定位]杆,潘哈杆 | lifting 举起,提[上]升,起重 | lifting axle (货车)可提升式车桥

3. 上升:lift off起飞 | lifting上升 | lifting force举升力

lifting 单语例句

1. China and other East Asia countries will witness increased inflow of international capital, swelling their foreign exchange reserve and lifting their capital price.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. TV footage showed a crane lifting the rickshaw's carcass to clear the road.

3. Textile experts also point out the export of finished cashmere garments will grow rapidly, with the lifting of the WTO textile quota.

4. Many see the handover and the subsequent lifting of the SJM's gaming monopoly as the catalyst for the enclave's current boom.

5. The army confirmed the deaths of the soldiers after lifting initial censorship imposed in order to notify their families.

6. Heavyweight blue chips including China Unicom and Sinopec were also strong, lifting up the whole market.

7. He admitted lifting Chen's legs as the two heaved her into the water but added Chow jumped in after her to keep her head underwater.

8. lifting

8. It's the first time China has permitted a foreign investor to take a majority share of a mainland cinema after lifting the longstanding 49% limit.

9. Governments of the two countries this week are holding talks on lifting the ban, but it could take a great deal of assurance to win back Japanese consumers.

10. Army conscripts helped the rescue workers clear away debris, and cranes were lifting the wagons.