
lighted [ˈlaɪtɪd] [laitid] 










过去分词:lit; lighted

过去式:lit; lighted

lighted 基本解释

动词点火( light的过去式和过去分词 ); (使)容光焕发; (使)发光; (使)发亮

lighted 网络解释

1. 点着、点亮:fire 点燃、开枪、解雇 | lighted 点着、点亮 | ignore 忽视

2. 点着:lightboat 灯塔船 | lighted 点着 | lighten out 闪现出

3. 发光的:lighted straight channel beacons 直道灯标 | lighted 发光的 | lighten ship 减轻船载

lighted 单语例句

1. My father's " candle spirit " has lighted many people's lives and brought comfort, happiness and improved the standard of living for many.

2. The lighted firecrackers the boy threw down the drain ignited the marsh gas, which then caused the powerful explosion.

3. Gunpowder was fixed on thousands of spots on the screen and were lighted in a preset order to " draw " pictures.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. In the evening, the local people would go there to see the beautiful lighted lanterns on display.

5. Fire lanterns hang on tunnel walls, and between each lighted area is frustrating darkness.

6. Each one lighted a torch representing the six million Jews that perished during the Holocaust.

7. The park will provide guests with a lighted lotus lantern that can be used to illuminate the pebble paths on which they stroll.

8. lighted

8. Fireworks will be lighted at the West Lake and the Hangzhou Grand Canal.

9. Airport director Michael Gobb said the shorter runway was not lighted, while work to repave and refurbish the longer one had been completed last week.

10. BEIJING - Nothing quite sets the scene at Christmas like lighted candles, which have been a staple of the holiday for hundreds of years.

lighted 英英释义


1. provided with artificial light

    e.g. illuminated advertising
           looked up at the lighted windows
           a brightly lit room
           a well-lighted stairwell

    Synonym: illuminated lit well-lighted

2. set afire or burning

    e.g. the lighted candles
           a lighted cigarette
           a lit firecracker

    Synonym: lit