
lighten [ˈlaɪtn]  [ˈlaɪtn:] 








lighten 基本解释


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lighten 同义词

动词buoy up lighten up brighten

lighten 反义词


及物动词darken dim shade

lighten 相关例句



1. More lamps will lighten the gloomy room.

2. He lightened his bag by taking out some books.

3. Touches of humor lightened the lecture.


1. It thundered and lightened.

2. Her heart lightened when she heard the news.

lighten 词典解释

1. (使)发亮;(使)变得明亮;(使)变淡
    When something lightens or when you lighten it, it becomes less dark in colour.

    e.g. The sky began to lighten...
    e.g. Leslie lightens her hair and has now had it cut into a short, feathered style.

2. lighten的近义词

2. 使缓和;调剂
    If someone lightens a situation, they make it less serious or less boring.

    e.g. Anthony felt the need to lighten the atmosphere...
    e.g. He managed to lighten the generally lifeless debate at times...

3. (使)(态度、心情等)变得轻松(或愉快)
    If your attitude or mood lightens, or if someone or something lightens it, they make you feel more cheerful, happy, and relaxed.

    e.g. As they approached the outskirts of the city, Ella's mood visibly lightened...
    e.g. The sun was streaming in through the window, yet it did nothing to lighten his mood.

4. 使变轻
    If you lighten something, you make it less heavy.

    e.g. It is a good idea to blend it in a food processor as this lightens the mixture...
    e.g. He pulled the lightened sled with all his strength.

5. 减轻…的负担
    If someone or something lightens your burden or your load, they make a bad or difficult situation better for you.

    e.g. The minister has persuaded the banks to lighten the burden of the foreign debt...
    e.g. In sharing this secret you lighten your burden...

相关词组:lighten up

lighten 单语例句

1. lighten什么意思

1. It would also lighten the burden on people with credit card debt and mortgages that have adjustable rates.

2. They will try to wear down the US army and lighten the pressure of direct strike on Baghdad.

3. The escorts were forced to get off to lighten the load and follow the carriages on foot as the procession inched across the bridge.

4. To help lighten the mood and make students forget about upcoming exams, many male teachers at a school in Chongqing municipality wore long skirts and danced.

5. lighten的意思

5. Then there are the long poles with which people carry all manner of heavy objects in an effort to lighten backbreaking loads.

6. Medical practitioners of Pingnan county have injected human immune globin to curb contract of the disease and lighten the symptoms of the patients.

7. The latest package to cope with Greece's insolvency offers a bond buyback to lighten the country's debt burden.

8. They need kaleidoscopic views of society to lighten up their routine and relax.

9. United spokesman Mike Trevino said Tuesday that the Boeing 767 dumped fuel as a safety precaution to lighten its weight on landing.

10. " Spring is the time to lighten up, " says Brooke.

lighten 英英释义


1. alleviate or remove (pressure or stress) or make less oppressive

    e.g. relieve the pressure and the stress
           lighten the burden of caring for her elderly parents

    Synonym: relieve

2. become lighter

    e.g. The room lightened up

    Synonym: lighten up

3. make lighter or brighter

    e.g. The paint will brighten the room

    Synonym: brighten lighten up

4. become more cheerful

    e.g. after a glass of wine, he lightened up a bit

    Synonym: lighten up buoy up

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5. reduce the weight on
    make lighter

    e.g. she lightened the load on the tired donkey

6. make more cheerful

    e.g. the conversation lightened me up a bit

    Synonym: lighten up buoy up