1. 褐煤:活性碳是将一些含碳素的物质如木屑(Wood)、椰子壳(Coconut)、泥煤(Peat)、褐煤(Lignite)及烟煤(Bituminous Coal)等,经过碳化及活性等处理而得之多孔性(孔隙体积0.3 cc/g~1.5 cc/g)且具有广大表面积(通常为800~1500 m2/g)之优良吸附剂.
2. 褐炭:lignin 木質素 | lignite 褐炭 | lignosa 木本植被;木本群落
3. 褐媒:Light weight aggregate 骨材 | Lignite 褐媒 | Lime 石灰
4. 木炭或褐炭:木材被破坏的 ligniperdous | 木炭或褐炭 lignite | 木质纤维素 lignocellulose
1. The plan says that some scarce and special coal like coke will be developed with protection and lignite will be developed in intensified efforts.
1. intermediate between peat and bituminous coal
Synonym: brown coal wood coal