like mad

like mad [laik mæd]  [laɪk mæd] 

like mad 基本解释

(如病人般)疯狂地; 如醉如狂

like mad 网络解释

1. 疯狂地:like lightning 闪电般地 | like mad 疯狂地 | like nothing on earth 珍奇

2. 疯狂地,拼命地:go mad 疯了 | like mad 疯狂地,拼命地 | be made up of 由...组成,由...构成

3. 发狂似地:The outing went off like clock work and every one had a good time. 郊游进行得顺利,大家玩得很痛快. | like mad 发狂似地: | The two boys fought like mad. 那两个男孩发疯似地打了起来.

4. 疯狂地;猛烈地:Go mad 发疯 | Like mad 疯狂地;猛烈地 | Be mad about 非常喜欢;着迷于

like mad 单语例句

1. I was like, 'Do something mad so I can finish with you.

2. They are like mad dogs snapping and snarling at everyone and everything, including the hand that feeds them.

3. You sweat like mad and all the toxins pour out of you!

4. She felt like she was going to have a relationship and this happened and she was mad.

like mad 英英释义

like mad是什么意思


1. like mad在线翻译

1. with great speed or effort or intensity

    e.g. drove like crazy
           worked like hell to get the job done
           ran like sin for the storm cellar
           work like thunder
           fought like the devil

    Synonym: like hell like crazy like sin like thunder like the devil