
likeable [ˈlaɪkəbl]  [ˈlaɪkəbəl] 

likeable 基本解释



likeable 网络解释

1. 可爱的:energetic 精力旺盛的 | likeable 可爱的 | loyal 忠诚的

2. 可愛:可愛SV: to be lovable, likeable, adorable, cute | 火雞N: turkey | 隻M: (used for one of a pair, boats, certain animals, etc)

3. 可爱的; 令人喜爱的 (形):like water off a duck's back 毫无作用 | likeable 可爱的; 令人喜爱的 (形) | likelihood 可能; 可能性 (名)

4. 可爱的;讨人喜欢的:-------a sympathetic look, smile, remark.表示同情的目光、笑容、言语. | 2)likeable 可爱的;讨人喜欢的. | -------I don't find her very sympathetic.我觉得她不讨人喜欢.

likeable 词典解释

1. 可爱的;讨人喜欢的
    Someone or something that is likeable is pleasant and easy to like.

    e.g. He was an immensely likeable chap.

likeable 单语例句

1. It's more important to me that the audience believes in the character than that I'm likeable or charming.

2. Much the president's support is based on the fact that people find him to be personally likeable.

3. It doesn't take you long to build up a good bunch of friends thanks to your likeable and compassionate nature.

likeable 英英释义


1. easy to like

    e.g. an attractive and likable young man

    Synonym: likable

2. likeable的近义词

2. (of characters in literature or drama) evoking empathic or sympathetic feelings

    e.g. the sympathetic characters in the play

    Synonym: sympathetic appealing likable