
lily-livered [ˈlɪli lɪvəd]  [ˈlɪli lɪvərd] 

lily-livered 基本解释



lily-livered 网络解释


1. 胆怯的:lily-handed 手纤长白嫩的 | lily-livered 胆怯的 | lily-trotter 水雉

lily-livered 双语例句


1. Get your legislation through and trumpet it as a triumph of tough government; lose the vote and have the knowledge that you can berate your opponents as lily-livered wets.
    让您通过立法和小号,它作为一大胜利,艰难的政府;失去表决,并有知识,你可以berate你的对手,因为百合- livered才子。

2. Mr Awad is a former fighter from a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon, not a lily-livered pacifist.

3. I`ve never met anyone so lily-livered.


4. But its lily-livered approach might, in fact, be the right one.

5. Sweet is for lily-livered puff balls made of much softer stuff than you.


6. Mark is too lily-livered to dive off the high board.

7. Workers can't get to work or have to stay at home to look after children because lily-livered head teachers have decided icy playgrounds are dangerous.

8. You're a bunch of lily-livered, chicken-hearted lickspittles.


9. A miracle healing of Bob Sura would help put some heart into this lily-livered outfit.

10. He called me a lily-livered coward, and I took umbrage at the insult.

lily-livered 英英释义
