
limbs [lɪmz]  [lɪmz] 






limbs 基本解释
肢体;肢( limb的名词复数 );大树枝;
limbs 网络解释

1. 四肢:骨盆(pelvis)、四肢(limbs)、 ? 动脉(arteries)、神经(nerves). ? (三)病史的采集 ? 受伤时间、方式、撞击部位、落地位置、处理经过、上止血带时间等. ? 有无昏迷史:有短暂昏迷史,应考虑有脑震荡. 有昏迷一清醒一昏迷的要考虑脑内血肿的存在.

2. 肢:语意学上,在美国,腿被称为肢(limbs),甚至衍生出桌椅,钢琴的腿也拟人化称做肢呢. 马克吐温的孙侄女 Jean Webster 写了个非常著名的书信小说<<长腿叔叔Daddy-Long-Legs>>,长腿是人物的象徵,也包括蜘蛛的隐喻. 同样脚上剑拔弩张的肌肉,

3. 肢体:科学家还认为蛇在进化过程中,不只一次失去肢体 (limbs) ,而是经过多次有肢和无肢的变化. 二叠纪后期,兽孔目的原始代表Phthinosuchus渐渐分两支演化,出现了异齿兽类(Anomodonts)和 兽齿类(Theriodonts). 二叠纪后期,

4. 分支:arm=手臂 | ;limbs=分支; | tower over =胜过,tower=塔;

limbs 单语例句

1. But Gigantoraptor had slimmer hind limbs and more slender calves compared with dinosaurs of similar size.

2. At the Paralympic Village there is a center to repair false limbs and wheelchairs.

3. The sisters lost all feeling in their lower limbs in childhood, leaving them not only unable to walk but also unable to flip over in bed.

4. limbs

4. Slowly rising to his feet, he tries to climb down the scaffolding with stiff limbs.

5. Adult Francois leaf monkeys have long limbs that can reach 60 cm while their tails can reach up to 86 cm.

6. The rhino has a conical head, round body and stubby limbs.

7. Blood and a large amount of shredded balloons were seen on the spot alongside a corpse with limbs missing.

8. He said at least 12 people were in critical condition, some with lost limbs or massive head injuries.

9. Workers in Veracruz city cut dangerous tree limbs that could become flying debris.

10. limbs的近义词

10. The indictment also noted that " mutilations included cutting off limbs and carving " the initials of rebel groups on the victims.