limited review是什么意思
1. 有限检查:2319 limited partnership 有限合伙 | 2320 limited review 有限检查 | 2321 linear programming 线性规划
2. 有限度局部审核:有限乘数<统> finite multiplier | 有限度局部审核 limited review | 有限兑换 limited convertibility
3. 有限检查 limited review 有限检查:2319 1 limited partnership 有限合伙 limited partnership 有限合伙 | 2320 1 limited review 有限检查 limited review 有限检查 | 2321 1 linear programming 线性规划 linear programming 线性规划
1. It is limited by professional values that are inculcated throughout doctors'training, and which are bolstered by a quiet form of peer review.
2. HSI Service Limited announced the results of its review of the Hang Seng Family of Index for the period ended December 2006.
1. (accounting) a service (less exhaustive than an audit) that provides some assurance to interested parties as to the reliability of financial data
Synonym: review