
limited [ˈlɪmɪtɪd]  [ˈlɪmɪtɪd] 






limited 基本解释

形容词有限的; (君主权力)受宪法限制的; 〈美〉乘客名额有限制的; (智力,能力等)有限的

名词高级快车; 直达的火车或汽车

limited 同义词


动词confine limit

limited 反义词


形容词unlimited limitless

limited 相关例句



1. The amount of money we have is limited.

limited 网络解释

1. 司:地址(我方提供)4.提供公司中文、英文或者中英文注册名称,结尾必须是有限公司(Limited)并查册5.确认董事股东信息数据6.确定股份分配7.制作政府文件并亲笔签署8.向注册署申报注册文件9.向注册署申报章程细则10.申领公司股份证明,

2. 公司:他曾在密歇根州和明尼苏达州的商学院从事过教学工作,并且是下列公司在组织变革、管理培训、发展战略等方面的高级管理顾问:强生公司、里维斯服装公司、国民银行、南方贝尔公司、斯普林特公司(Sprint)、耐克公司、利米特公司(Limited)、默克医药公司(M

3. 限公司:豁免公司的名称最后不一定要加上[有限公司](Limited),并且可以申请有效期长达二十年的税项豁免证书,进一步增强其税务优势. 开曼群岛公司可以使用中文公司名称,但必须提供有关英文译名.

limited 词典解释

1. 有限的;有限度的
    Something that is limited is not very great in amount, range, or degree.

    e.g. They may only have a limited amount of time to get their points across...
    e.g. Shops have a very limited selection.

2. (公司)有限责任的
    A limited company is one whose owners are legally responsible for only a part of any money that it may owe if it goes bankrupt.

    e.g. They had plans to turn the club into a limited company...
    e.g. He is the founder of International Sports Management Limited.

in AM, use 美国英语用 incorporated
limited 单语例句

1. limited

1. For limited liability companies, the minimum registered capital varies with business nature.

2. One reason is that India's domestic IT services market is very small, providing limited business opportunity locally.

3. Given the limited business scope of ROs, you may think the scale of operations should be small.

4. Such a limited business scope is perfect for foreign investors who want to test the waters in the China market before making a big commitment.

5. Li said he is still pushing forward plans to buy foreign banks, adding that target banks include but are not limited to American banks.

6. limited在线翻译

6. Octopus Holdings Limited possesses a good deal of personal information pertaining to Hong Kong and mainland residents.

7. Because land resources are limited in Beijing, golf operators need to pay huge sums of money to buy up land.

8. It's not useful buying gold if the price has limited upside.

9. That failure to tell a humanitarian tragedy apart from a national rivalry is by no means limited to the very young.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. One main reason is that the effectiveness of the treatment may be limited by the availability of the drugs used.

limited 英英释义



1. limited的近义词

1. public transport consisting of a fast train or bus that makes only a few scheduled stops

    e.g. he caught the express to New York

    Synonym: express


1. including only a part

2. not unlimited

    e.g. a limited list of choices

3. having a specific function or scope

    e.g. a special (or specific) role in the mission

    Synonym: special

4. small in range or scope

    e.g. limited war
           a limited success
           a limited circle of friends

5. limited在线翻译

5. not excessive

6. mediocre

    Synonym: modified

7. subject to limits or subjected to limits

    Synonym: circumscribed