






lingered 基本解释
逗留( linger的过去式和过去分词 );缓慢消失;苟延残喘;持续看;
lingered 单语例句

1. The chat has lingered in the minds of Chinese netizens and it is the most heartening moment since Internet was introduced in China in 1994.

2. lingered

2. Obama lingered a few minutes at each table as the Marines and sailors and their families stood to greet their next commander in chief.

3. I have forgotten the reporter's name and the title of the publication he worked for, but one detail in the story has lingered on in my memory.

4. People queued up before the opening hour of the exhibition or lingered after the closing hour at the Hong Kong Exhibition Center.

5. Memories of it still lingered as he made his way to a dimly lit room the size of a basketball court that constituted the terminal.

6. The demonstration in Guangzhou ended at about 1 pm, though some protestors lingered for some time before being dispersed by police.

7. With doomsday postponed indefinitely, the politics of the Reagan years have lingered.

8. Tensions lingered at every corner of the company, becoming a virtual prison which everyone wanted to escape from.

9. The gingery soup warmed the tummy, and the fragrance of sweet potato lingered long in the mouth.

10. James got one and was spared another when he lingered in the Celtics'huddle during a timeout to exchange words with Tony Allen.