
lingo [ˈlɪŋgəʊ]  [ˈlɪŋgoʊ] 


lingo 基本解释


lingo 相关例句


1. It's fun to use the local lingo.

2. He became skilled in several tribal lingoes.

3. Economics is easy after you learn the lingo.

lingo 网络解释

1. 软件:本文结合对合作配送成本控制的论证与分析,采用运筹学方法对合作配送运输网络建立了数学模型--基于时间约束的合作配送运输网络合理化模型,并设计了一种启发式算法,运用这种方法对数学模型进行了求解,最后运用计算机软件(LINGO)对模型及算法进行求解与性能分析,

2. 语言:没有编程经验的的用户可以通过Director的脚本语言(Lingo)给电影添加灵活的交互功能,而有编程经验的用户则可以通过Lingo实现一些专业效果,其功能一点也不比目前主流的程序设计语言差.

3. 行话:第二个是阿莱克斯特雷贝克 (Alex Trebek) , 益智游戏节目<<冒险 (Jeopardy) >>的主持人 ; 第三个是恰克沃拉利 (Chuck W oolery) , 也曾当过<<命运之轮>>的主持人 , 现在则主持游戏节目<<行话 (Lingo) >> .

4. 方言:lingeringly 延迟地 | lingo 方言 | lingonberry 越橘

lingo 词典解释

1. (尤指不会说或听不懂的)外国语,外国话
    People sometimes refer to a foreign language, especially one that they do not speak or understand, as a lingo.

    e.g. I don't speak the lingo.

2. 行话;隐语
    A lingo is a range of words or a style of language which is used in a particular situation or by a particular group of people.

    e.g. In record-business lingo, that means he wanted to buy the rights to the song and market it.
    e.g. author who writes in a lurid lingo, freely punctuated with crude expletives.

lingo 单语例句

1. lingo的反义词

1. He said the scam artists often used army lingo such as " it's confidential " to dodge parent questions.

2. lingo

2. If any expat is planning to stay around for a while, then they must seriously consider having a go at learning the local lingo.

3. And sources say that the British beauty is picking up the lingo quite fast.

4. lingo的意思

4. Maybe having a serious relationship with someone who doesn't parle your lingo is problematic indeed.

5. There is no English menu so if you don't speak the lingo take along a Chinese friend.

6. lingo的近义词

6. They use the violent lingo that was heard and read during the " cultural revolution " years.

lingo 英英释义



1. lingo的近义词

1. a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves)

    e.g. they don't speak our lingo

    Synonym: slang cant jargon argot patois vernacular