
listener [ˈlɪsənə(r)]  [ˈlɪsənər] 



listener 基本解释

名词听众,倾听者,收听者; 〈俚〉耳朵

listener 相关例句


1. Listeners wrote in to congratulate the radio actor on his performance.

2. If you've got any problems, she's a good listener.

3. Good night, listeners!

listener 网络解释

1. 听众:曾负责主持<<巴尔第莫太阳报>>(Baltimore Sun)的批评专栏;电视研究的理论奠基者雷蒙德.威廉斯(Raymond, Williams),1968-1972年间曾在BBC旗下的杂志<<听众>>(Listener)上负责批评专栏;[4]著名的电视史专家艾瑞克.巴尔诺(Barnouw,

2. 接听项:除了标准的接听项 (Listener) 之外,您也可以实作自己的追踪接听项. 例如,您可能需要接收某个应用程式的追踪输出,而这个应用程式是在防火墙内的远端电脑上执行. 这时就可以撰写追踪接听项,透过 HTTP 要求将追踪讯息传送至您的伺服器.

listener 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. (电台广播的)收听者,听众之一
    A listener is a person who listens to the radio or to a particular radio programme.

    e.g. I'm a regular listener to her show...
    e.g. Each week Dr Buczacki chooses a listener's question and gives a detailed answer.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 倾听他人说话的人
    If you describe someone as a good listener, you mean that they listen carefully and sympathetically to you when you talk, for example about your problems.

    e.g. Dr Brian was a good listener...
    e.g. If you can be a sympathetic listener, it may put your own problems in perspective.

3. see also: listen

listener 单语例句

1. listener什么意思

1. It uses a global positioning network to activate different themes as the listener wanders through the park.

2. listener的解释

2. Eventually he tells an unidentified listener to contact authorities on the ground in the Clarence area.

3. The listener's complaint that the song was obscene fell flat before the council's members, who said the item did not break its code of ethics.

4. A copy of The Beatles " Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band " album is held by a listener in London in this undated file photo.

5. But his verbal description of each scene is so vivid the listener can quickly recreate each frame in his or her mind's eye.

6. Fellow mainstream top 40 programmers report that early listener reaction to the song has been overwhelmingly positive.

7. Italian listener Giordano expressed his opposition to the Lhasa riot via telephone and fax.

8. The Queen is so keen a listener that she has a piper play an alarm call beneath her bedroom window at Buckingham Palace each morning.

9. Algerian listener Ben Amir Aid said in a letter that it is sorrowful to see the violence in Tibet.

10. listener的反义词

10. " Listener reaction was very mixed, " said program director Terri Thomas.

listener 英英释义


1. someone who listens attentively

    Synonym: hearer auditor attender