
listening ['lɪsənɪŋ]  ['lɪsənɪŋ] 







listening 基本解释

形容词收听的,收听无线电广播的; 助听用的

动词倾听( listen的现在分词 ); 留心听; 听信; (让对方注意)听着

listening 情景对话


A:No (English/ listening to music/ visitors) allowed.

B:Sorry. I didn’t see the sign.

listening 网络解释


1. 收听:听写是由收听(Listening)-理解(Understanding)-记忆(Memorizing)-写出(Writing)四个环节组成. 过程虽短,但它是包含语言基础知识、词汇量、获取信息、综合思维、快速记录等综合能力的一种基本训练手段,同时也是许多考试常用的测试手段之一.

2. 监听:在socket代码中使用活动对象(active objects)下面的代码是从一个完整的进行'监听'(listening)的服务器类定义中取出的一部分. 要设定本地地址,我们需要将一个地址和一个socket进行绑定(bind)操作:

listening 单语例句

1. If you expect to hear any music by traditional definition when listening to the piece, you'll be disappointed.

2. The cacophony of one of the ring roads presents easier, more understandable listening.

3. From watching Obama speak and listening to American voters at rallies there is huge potential in playing this card.

4. BEIJING - A stray cat famous for listening to lectures at Peking University is receiving treatment at a pet hospital after it suffered leg injuries.

5. They found on average the infants'metabolism slowed by up to 13 percent within 10 to 30 minutes of listening to a " Baby Mozart " CD.

6. He would walk from the front to the back seats, listening to the cello.

7. Radio story telling is still popular here and you may hear your cabbie listening to a chapter from Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

8. Since there is no charge to attend the tournament, many English language learners come to watch so they can practice their listening skills.

9. To borrow from the national intelligence lexicon - and yes, that is uncomfortable - you are listening for dangerous chatter.

10. Yet there's something about listening to those cheesy holiday ballads every relatively famous singer feels they need to produce that makes me feel at home.

listening 英英释义



1. the act of hearing attentively

    e.g. you can learn a lot by just listening
           they make good music--you should give them a hearing

    Synonym: hearing