
listlessness ['lɪstləsnəs]  ['lɪstləsnəs] 

listlessness 基本解释
listlessness 网络解释


1. 没精打彩:listing 列表 | listlessness 没精打彩 | listlessnesspococurantism 不热心

2. 精神萎靡:listlanguage 表语言 | listlessness 精神萎靡 | listlinearization 表格线性化

3. 无精打采:liquidator 清算人 | listlessness 无精打采 | lobbyist 议院外陈青游说这,说客

listlessness 单语例句

1. listlessness

1. The cold, dark season's reign of listlessness would be over were it not for springtime lethargy.

listlessness 英英释义


1. listlessness

1. inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack of vigor or energy

    Synonym: torpidity torpidness torpor

2. listlessness的翻译

2. a feeling of lack of interest or energy

    Synonym: languor lassitude