
liveliness ['laɪvlɪnəs]  ['laɪvlɪnəs] 

liveliness 基本解释



liveliness 网络解释

1. 活泼:livelily 生气勃勃地 | liveliness 活泼 | livelock 活锁

2. 民主团结、生动活泼、安定和谐:民主决策democratic decision-making | 民主团结、生动活泼、安定和谐democracy, solidarity, liveliness, stability and harmony | 民主选举democratic elections

3. 活力:lithosphere 岩石圈;陆界 | liveliness 活力 | lizard 蜥蜴

4. 充满活力; 轻快; 活泼; 愉快 (名):lived on 靠...生活; 以...为食 | livelihood 生计, 生活, 营生 (名) | liveliness 充满活力; 轻快; 活泼; 愉快 (名)

liveliness 单语例句

1. liveliness在线翻译

1. They convey the liveliness of the season with vivid color schemes, joyous imagery and exaggerated expressions.

2. In comparison to this liveliness, the area of YUANMINGYUAN Park is designed to show the gravity of history.

3. New artists and a fresh arrangement inject liveliness into this classic opera.

4. liveliness在线翻译

4. Luo's works are characterized with strong passion revealed by the abundant use of ardour, liveliness and active lines and colours.

5. When we visited, the crowd had all the liveliness of a nursing home bingo game.

liveliness 英英释义



1. general activity and motion

    Synonym: animation

2. liveliness

2. animation and energy in action or expression

    e.g. it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it

    Synonym: life spirit sprightliness