
loader ['ləʊdə]  ['loʊdə] 

loader 基本解释

名词装货的人,装货设备,装弹机; 装板机

loader 网络解释


1. 装载机:装载机(loader) 往车辆或其他设备装载散状物料的自行式装卸机械. 装载机也可进行轻度的铲掘工作,通过换装相应的工作装置,还可进行推土、起重、装卸木料及钢管等作业. 广泛应用于建筑、铁路、公路、水电、港口、矿山、农田基本建设及国防等工程中.

2. 装入器:执行之前,要先把程序放进内存中,这是由装入器(Loader)完成的,装入器读取磁盘中执行程序的映象文件,并将其放进内存中. 如果除数为0之类的错误在程序运行时发生,则称这类错误为运行时错误(run-time error)或执行时错误(execution-time error).

3. 换片员:第二摄影助理和换片员(loader). 第一摄影助理(1st AC)负责对焦,换镜头,threading the film和maintaining the camera. 第一摄影助理从来不应该离开摄影机. 第一摄影助理每次总是让灯光技术员设法调整灯光使散射光不要射到镜头上.

loader 单语例句

1. loader的翻译

1. The tail of the specially designed 747 freighter swings open for huge payloads that are unloaded using the largest cargo loader in the world.

2. The ship was due to sail from Xiamen harbor with a shovel loader and a caterpillar excavator on Thursday afternoon.

3. This year Caterpillar completed its acquisition of Shandong SEM Machinery Co Ltd, one of China's leading wheel loader manufacturers.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. Fang was born into an intellectual family, which she supported by working as a freight loader after high school.

5. Fu Qingli gave his life in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2005 when he fainted suddenly while washing the mud from a loader.

6. " The four years as a freight loader was like attending a different sort of university, " she recalls.

7. Longgong has become the largest wheel loader manufacturer on the Chinese mainland, with 19 percent of the market share.

loader 英英释义


1. loader的解释

1. an attendant who loads guns for someone shooting game

2. a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port

    Synonym: stevedore longshoreman docker dockhand dock worker dockworker dock-walloper lumper