
loading [ˈləʊdɪŋ]  [ˈloʊdɪŋ] 









loading 基本解释


名词装货; 装载量; (保险金的)附加费; 填充物

动词把…装上车[船]( load的现在分词 ); 装…

loading 网络解释


1. 载荷:在对输入法软件的研究中,首先采用5级量表的方式,要求被访者在上述维度上对几种输入法软件进行评价,然后,通过SPSS软件进行因子分析,我们将上述五个维度的评价缩减为两个因子,因子载荷(Loading)如图2所示.

2. 装载:装载(Loading)为了减少冰冻保护剂的渗透压和毒性对抗脱水性较差的材料所造成的伤害,多数材料需要有一个装载的过程. 即在室温条件下.材料用较高浓度的冰冻保护混合液(装载溶液)处理一段时间,进一步降低组织的含水量,这样,

3. 装片:装片 (LOADING) 指把胶片装入放映机或摄影机片盒,以备放映或拍摄. 遮片 (MATTE) 摄影或印片时用以挡住部分光线,使底片的某一部分不感光的遮光物. 重拍影片 (REMAKE FILM) 根据以前拍过的电影故事拍摄的电影. <<驿马车>>原是1939年的片子,

loading 单语例句

1. The response of bone to loading is determined by the magnitude of the force, and the rate and direction at which it is applied.

2. An initial investigation has shown that the bus was carrying 20 more passengers than its loading capacity.

3. Initial investigation shows that the sunken cattle ship is 30 meters long and six meters wide with a loading capacity of 250 tons.

4. loading什么意思

4. The investigation included assessments of the structural capacity of the building under different loading conditions, including additional loadings imposed by subdivided flats on the upper floors.

5. The company has also diversified its investments into coal mines, soybean crushing plants and loading ports across the globe.

6. Another advantage would be a reduction in costs for shipping companies thanks to easier container loading.

7. loading的解释

7. The new facility has a total of 32 trucking docks and 17 conveyor belts for loading and unloading individual packages.

8. It began loading on October 18 and has since loaded 86 sets of nuclear fuel assembly into the reactor core.

9. Reuters photographs showed soldiers loading a corpse in a black bag into a military ambulance.

10. Loading up on denture cream can be hazardous to your health, new research suggests.

loading 英英释义



1. loading的近义词

1. the labor of putting a load of something on or in a vehicle or ship or container etc.

    e.g. the loading took 2 hours

2. goods carried by a large vehicle

    Synonym: cargo lading freight load payload shipment consignment

3. loading的翻译

3. weight to be borne or conveyed

    Synonym: load burden

4. a quantity that can be processed or transported at one time

    e.g. the system broke down under excessive loads

    Synonym: load

5. loading什么意思

5. the ratio of the gross weight of an airplane to some factor determining its lift