






loads 基本解释
low altitude defense system 低海拔防御系统;装载;负荷( load的名词复数 );负担;工作量;把…装上车[船]( load的第三人称单数 );装…;
loads 网络解释


1. 载荷:在 ANSYS 的术语中,载荷(Loads)包括边界条件和外部(或内部)作用力,即位移 边界和力边界. 在不同的学科中,载荷的具体含义也不尽相同,在结构分析中的载荷实例 为:位移、力、压力、温度(热应变)和重力.

2. 装载大量:loads 货载量装载大量 | loads 装载大量 | loadselectorswitch 负载选择开关

3. 货载量装载大量:loadrope 吊重绳 | loads 货载量装载大量 | loads 装载大量

4. 货载量:loadmark 载重线标志 | loads 货载量 | loads 货载量装载大量

loads 单语例句

1. What promises to be a busy week began with loads of trade talk, much of it centered around two of the league's best known superstars.

2. Lopez once said she does squats and works with loads of weights in the gym to achieve her butt's shape.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. While the plane has the capability of carrying 840 passengers, airlines are planning seating configurations that will limit loads to about 550 people.

4. At Christmas she loads up a donkey cart with cakes and sweets which she distributes to schools in the village.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. The Sinaloa cartel violently seized lucrative drug routes from rivals and built sophisticated tunnels under the US border to move its loads.

6. And the Chengdu Park is one of the most popular in the expo, with loads of visitors wanting to have a look of the adorable pandas.

7. Overseas crane makers expect sales growth in the Chinese market as the government loads more money into infrastructure projects.

8. Farmers carrying dangling loads on a pole over their shoulder occasional walk by, as do leisurely herders leading their cows along a lane.

9. loads在线翻译

9. US states entered their new union with different debt loads and different capacities to service them.

10. loads的解释

10. The report also cautioned people against carrying heavy loads that could strain the muscles, cause dislocation of spinal discs and pains in the lower back.

loads 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. a large number or amount

    e.g. made lots of new friends
           she amassed stacks of newspapers

    Synonym: tons dozens heaps lots piles scores stacks rafts slews wads oodles gobs scads lashings