
lobster [ˈlɒbstə(r)]  [ˈlɑ:bstə(r)] 


lobster 基本解释

名词龙虾; 龙虾肉

lobster 网络解释


1. 龙虾:他那起始雨果奖候选中篇<<龙虾>>(Lobster)的系列中篇被认为是开创了未来科幻的发展方向. 这几年年年候选,但都是空手而归. 这次在英国颁奖,看来他是非要拿到一个奖不可的了. 估计他的长篇会略输于China Mieville,在这长中篇里面,

2. 大龙虾:于是11月4日星期四,烤了大龙虾(Lobster)和火鸟(turky),用第一次收获的秋收农作物建了祭坛,满怀感激地过了第一个秋收感恩节(Thanks giving Day). 他们首先建立礼拜堂、创立学校后,才造自己的房子. 因此,

3. 虾:广泛分布 ...龙 虾(Lobster)又名大虾、龙头虾、虾魁(王)、海虾等,海洋中最大的虾类. 在动物分类中列节肢动物门、甲壳纲、十足目、龙虾科、龙虾属. 也属爬行类. 因其触角和步足展开后极似神话中的龙,故得名. 广泛分布于世界各大洲的热带海域.

4. 对虾:prawn 对虾 | lobster 对虾 | crab 螃蟹

lobster 词典解释

1. 龙虾;海螯虾
    A lobster is a sea creature that has a hard shell, two large claws, and eight legs.

    e.g. She sold me a couple of live lobsters.

lobster 单语例句

1. Lobster and oysters abound all month, but the cuisines change by the day.

2. These include braised fish maw and sea cucumber with dried scallops, and steamed baby lobster with chopped garlic.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. These include braised fish maw and sea cucumber with dried scallop, steamed baby lobster with chopped garlic.

4. You can make a deluxe version using 1 lobster tail chopped and fried lightly or tinned crabmeat.

5. Robert Bayer of the University of Maine's Lobster Institute said he is intrigued, but dubious.

6. He will make a trilogy of lobster, white asparagus and heirloom tomato.

7. The waitress said some high end priced sets even offer fresh lobster delivered directly from Australia and tender Corby beef.

8. It turned up Sunday morning in one of Hatch and Green's lobster traps at the mouth of the Thames River.

9. Highly recommended are crispy rice with abalone, and steamed lobster with finely chopped garlic.

10. Seafood delicacies ranging from lobster to sablefish are prepared and cooked in simple ways to preserve their natural flavors.

lobster 英英释义


1. any of several edible marine crustaceans of the families Homaridae and Nephropsidae and Palinuridae

2. flesh of a lobster