1. 恶露:子宫的收缩会导致疼痛,又叫产后痛(afterpain),一般在产后第三天就会减轻;在分娩过程中胎盘从子宫壁上剥离所产生的伤口在产后会逐渐愈合,在伤口界面有一些残余的血液会从子宫中排出,即恶露(lochia),通常恶露排出会持续2~3周甚至2个月.
2. 恶露(分娩后的子宫阴道分泌物):local anaesthetic 局部麻醉 | lochia 恶露(分娩后的子宫阴道分泌物) | loop around neck 绕脖
3. 恶露(产褥排泄):Belly button 肚脐 | Lochia 恶露(产褥排泄) | Sanitary pad 卫生巾
4. 繞垃:怚屜垃 Placenta | 芾@垃 Lochia | 婌家垃 Premature Birth
1. substance discharged from the vagina (cellular debris and mucus and blood) that gradually decreases in amount during the weeks following childbirth