1. 锁定的:函数getFields()将窗体上文本框的内容填充到数据库中去. 函数setText()设置文本框内容;函数文本框从文本框中获取文本并写入一被锁定的(locked)数据库中. 我们将先浏览一下这些函数,然后把它们完全掌握.
2. 上锁:考虑RPG游戏中城门这样一个简单的对象,它具有打开(Opened)、关闭(Closed)、上锁(Locked)、解锁(Unlocked)四种状态,如图1所示. 当玩家到达一个处于状态Locked的门时,如果此时他已经找到了用来开门的钥匙,那么他就可以利用它将门的当前状态转变为Unlocked,
1. She finally managed to drive the bears back into the cage wielding a bamboo rod and then promptly locked the cage.
2. locked在线翻译
2. The helium atoms were locked in the mineral grains as they cooled and moved closer to the surface during the carving of the Grand Canyon.
3. Military spending is far lower and Russia's burgeoning market economy is more closely locked into the Western capitalist system.
4. Don't sleep in locked cars with the heating on, to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
5. locked在线翻译
5. Riders can swipe a card on a machine to release a locked bicycle and return it to any site by swiping the card.
6. locked
6. The Zetas drug cartel has been locked in a bloody war with drug gangs for control of the state.
7. She returned to find the intruder sniffing around her cash box, and locked the store from outside.
8. Many suffered after their stock was locked inside while others have been caught up in visa irregularities.
9. locked
9. It is locked onto the rope and attached to the body harness, and will hold him if he accidentally slips from his plywood chair.
10. Despite the many problems that exist between the two sides, they are locked in a close embrace.