
locker [ˈlɒkə(r)]  [ˈlɑ:kə(r)] 


locker 基本解释


名词寄物柜; 上锁的人; 小橱; 冷藏间

locker 相关例句


1. We have to find the locker to get the key.

2. Are there lockers in the changing room?

3. How much do you charge for renting a locker?

locker 网络解释

1. 置物柜:每个人都有一个置物柜(Locker)放文件及私人物品. 没有人规定从早到晚都一定要在一个固定的地方上班. 我们可以在沙发上,厨房的大桌台会议室,客厅,甚至室外大桌讨论或上网. 让我们打破在办公室桌上上班习惯,利用无线上网,

2. 柜:大mall里面可以将外套等--用一元钱开个柜(locker)锁着--你就行动一身轻--好方便. 再传上几张爱民顿(Edmonton)城市的相片 -爱民顿是亚省的首府,亦是亚省的第一大城市,而她亦是全加拿大的第五大城市. 爱民顿人口约九十多万人,

3. 存物柜:设有自动计费存物柜(Locker). 2.巴雷罗(Barreiro)车站车站在里斯本市区对岸. 需从市中心的科西梅奥(PracadoComercio)前的码头搭渡轮半小时到巴雷罗车站接驳火车. 这里的火车主要是发往东部的城市,如历史名城埃武拉(Evora)等.

4. 箱:也多人練個高工為了放自动炮殺人 放地雷守門守塔 但我可以說 (ACE)用途不在於此储物箱(Locker)的妙用如果敌人重生车(AMS)不幸被你发现,你可以在车隐形罩外面放上地雷和自动炮台,能放多少就看你机灵不机灵了,干得好话,

locker 词典解释

1. (学校、工作场所或运动俱乐部等处的)寄物柜,储物柜
    A locker is a small metal or wooden cupboard with a lock, where you can put your personal possessions, for example in a school, place of work, or sports club.

locker 单语例句

1. Ran visited a sauna in Shenzhen recently but found his locker to be empty when he was ready to check out.

2. That was better than going to the clubhouse to clean out his locker.

3. Hoskins said he made the secret clubhouse recording in front of Bonds'locker in March 2003.

4. locker的解释

4. The team is paying tribute to Collier by keeping his locker intact in the area shared by offensive linemen.

5. locker

5. Google also wants to open an a la carte download store with the option of automatically adding purchases to a customer's locker.

6. Bryant cut a dejected figure in the locker room after the loss, clearly feeling the effects of his illness.

7. We've all heard of Davy Jones and Davy Jones'locker but we don't really know what it's about.

8. I do it all day, even in the locker room in the minutes before I step on the court.

9. " This is the first step to greatness, " a dazed James said during a quiet moment sitting in front of his locker.

10. Police prevented reporters from crossing the loading dock to get to Indiana's locker room or the area where the Pacers'bus was located.

locker 英英释义


1. a storage compartment for clothes and valuables
    usually it has a lock

    Synonym: cabinet storage locker

2. a trunk for storing personal possessions
    usually kept at the foot of a bed (as in a barracks)

    Synonym: footlocker

3. a fastener that locks or closes