
logged [lɔ:gd]  [lɔ:gd] 






logged 基本解释


logged 网络解释


1. 记录:支援FWZ、IKE加解/密的标准,使用於防火墙与防火墙间,及客户端与防火墙间的封包都加密,建立专属私有网路(VPN)需显示防火墙接收(Accepted)、丢弃(Dropped)、记录(logged)的封包数.

2. 充满浓烟和热气的:logdeck 原木平台 | logged 充满浓烟和热气的 | logger 记录器

3. 笨拙的:loge 蓬摊 | logged 笨拙的 | logger 记录器

4. 笨重的,湿透的:ragged 破烂的,(表面)凹凸不平的 | logged 笨重的,湿透的 | prolonged 持久的

logged 单语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. In their following step, the suspects logged online with the QQ password to cheat the original user's friends online.

2. The agency investigated 89 complaints logged on its hotline dating back to 2001, when Schiavo's feeding tube was removed for the first time.

3. logged在线翻译

3. Being able to exchange miles logged traveling for free tickets is a perk that frequent airline travelers have long enjoyed.

4. And no one alive has logged more service than Brown, who took senior status in 1979 but still worked fulltime until recently.

5. Hundreds of thousands of residents logged on the website after hearing the park would be closed soon.

6. The report estimated up to 88 percent of all Indonesian timber was logged illegally, with illegal loggers operating in 37 of Indonesia's 41 national parks.

7. Men who logged in four hours or more of mobile use were shown to have less sperm than those who were of inferior quality.

8. He has logged 381 days in space in three missions to the International Space Station, and was the commander on ISS Expedition 18.

9. Among the litany of abuses, more than 46 days of unrecorded leave was logged by 23 officers.

10. Her computer was switched on and she was logged on to Sina Weibo.