
logical [ˈlɒdʒɪkl]  [ˈlɑ:dʒɪkl] 

logical 基本解释


形容词符合逻辑的; 逻辑(上)的; 推理正确的; 合乎常理的

logical 相关例句



1. It is logical to assume that they will attend.

logical 网络解释


1. 条理分明的:无论遇到什么困难,都能够发现问题,并能当机立断( Willing to make decisions.) 解决问题的人,条理分明的(Logical)、有效进行时间管理(Can organize my time efficiently.)的人,自然能在激烈的竞争中胜出.

logical 词典解释

1. 逻辑(上)的;(论证或推理方法)符合逻辑的
    In a logical argument or method of reasoning, each step must be true if the step before it is true.

    e.g. Only when each logical step has been checked by other mathematicians will the proof be accepted.

My professional training has taught me to look at things logically.

2. (结论或结果)逻辑上必然的,顺理成章的
    The logical conclusion or result of a series of facts or events is the only one which can come from it, according to the rules of logic.

    e.g. If the climate gets drier, then the logical conclusion is that even more drought will occur...
    e.g. ...this is the logical result of a long evolution in which we moved from working by the sweat of our brow and by muscle to industrial work and finally to knowledge work.

From that it followed logically that he would not be meeting Hildegarde.

3. 合理的;在理的
    Something that is logical seems reasonable or sensible in the circumstances.

    e.g. Connie suddenly struck her as a logical candidate...
    e.g. There was a logical explanation...

This was the one possibility I hadn't taken into consideration, though logically I should have done.
logical 单语例句

1. Well, this is unexpected - a comic book about the quest for logical certainty in mathematics.

2. The CBA is in many ways subordinate to the Chinese national team, a conflicting mandate that makes it impossible to chart a logical course for either entity.

3. logical是什么意思

3. A logical way of adjustment would be establishing regional capital markets and equity exchange centres to integrate scattered centres that belong to different departments.

4. The pursuit of democracy is the common will of the people and there can be no logical excuses to obstruct it.

5. logical的翻译

5. It is comprehensible for people to vent anger in the face of tragedy, but it is not logical and fair to blame the tragedy on anyone.

6. They are the inexorable requirements for maintaining and developing socialism and the logical conclusion our Party has reached through hard exploration and great practice.

7. To establish and improve a social security system corresponding to the level of economic development is a logical requirement for coordinated economic and social development.

8. One logical solution to this sprawl problem would be to redirect growth inward and upward toward the capital's inner core.

9. His counsel told the court that Madoff is a deeply flawed human being, which might be the only logical explanation for his insane deeds.

10. Writing dissertations is a way of training students on logical thinking and establishing their own creative argument.

logical 英英释义



1. logical什么意思

1. marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts

    e.g. a coherent argument

    Synonym: coherent consistent ordered

2. capable of or reflecting the capability for correct and valid reasoning

    e.g. a logical mind

3. capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner

    e.g. a lucid thinker
           she was more coherent than she had been just after the accident

    Synonym: coherent lucid

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. based on known statements or events or conditions

    e.g. rain was a logical expectation, given the time of year

    Synonym: legitimate