
longan ['lɒŋgən]  ['lɒŋgən] 

longan 基本解释

名词龙眼; 桂圆

longan 网络解释

1. 龙眼:每年4月开花,香气浓郁,成熟的果实呈黄褐色圆形或椭 ...龙眼(Longan)为无患子科,龙眼属亚热带常绿果树,是多年生常绿大乔木植物,原产在中国南部(福建、广东、海南)和中南半岛,又名桂圆,盛产期7到9月间.

2. 眼:4 至 6 月收成9、龙眼 (Longan) 您一定吃过,汁甜;肉呈白色半透明,皮呈棕色,籽不能食. 7 至 10 月收成,6至 8 月产量最多. 10、芒果 (Mango) 有很多品种,生熟均可食,泰人喜用熟芒果肉与糯米用甜椰汁相伴而吃. 您也一定吃过.

3. 桂圆,龙眼:荔枝皮 litchi rind | 桂圆,龙眼 longan | 桂圆肉,龙眼肉 longan pulp

4. 龙眼、桂圆:Lichee 荔枝 | Longan 龙眼、桂圆 | Loquat 批杷

longan 单语例句

1. longan的解释

1. After intercepting cars transporting imported longan into the Luqiao Market, the officials were convinced the fruit was not cured in Taizhou.

2. Fruit takes up the lion's share of imports from Vietnam, with watermelon and longan alone accounting for more than 70 percent.

3. Longan is one of the top fruits coming from the Lingnan area.

4. longan在线翻译

4. The drought will also affect the harvest of lychee, longan and other fruits in the southern Chinese region in the coming year.

5. They found the majority of imported longan sold in the city contained excessive pesticide residue.

6. longan的解释

6. The longan was imported from Thailand and Viet Nam and was sold without quarantine certification.

7. Australia has given market access to China's longan and lychee fruits, he added.

longan 英英释义



1. tree of southeastern Asia to Australia grown primarily for its sweet edible fruit resembling litchi nuts
    sometimes placed in genera Euphorbia or Nephelium

    Synonym: lungen longanberry Dimocarpus longan Euphorbia litchi Nephelium longana